What we do

Birth support

We will visit you three times before the birth, to get to know you, write your birth plan together, get to know your family and what you want. We will accompany you through the birth, at home, hospital, birthing centre. We will visit you after the birth should you need support with breastfeeding or sleeping, organisation.

After-birth support

We can support you after the birth as well with a range of services.

Birthing Classes

Try the alternative, become empowered thanks to the knowledge our classes will give you. Learn about nutrition, the importance of emotional well being in pregnancy, what happens to your body in pregnancy and how to prepare for labour, how acupuncture can help you, how to succeed at breast feeding, learn about first aid for your baby and get to know other parents-to-be.

Bespoke Package

Our birthing package includes :

  • An initial visit before the birth, getting to know you and your family discussing what we offer as doulas

  • A second visit aimed at drafting your birth plan with you

  • Support with prenatal concerns, relaxation, breathing

  • Discussing at length what kind of birth you would like to experience

  • Support with preparing for breastfeeding

  • Birth support at home and / or hospital

Also, you may want to attend our Antenatal sessions - listed below

After the birth

If you need our help we are happy to support you with the following:

  • 1:1 advice withbreast feeding, sleeping, bathing, going out

  • individual support; help with looking after your baby while you rest

  • Help with light shopping, going out with you and your baby

  • safety around the house

  • weaning your baby

Prenatal classes

A series of classes to help you prepare for the birth, get ready to be a parent, ensure the health and safety of your newborn. A series of 8 sessions with a range of professionals; a space foryou to ask the questions you want to ask; an opportunity to be with other women.  All sessions close with a 30minutes of yoga breathing and relaxation.

Sessions will include:

  • pregnancy and the birthing process - led by a midwife (2 sessions)

  • birth without fear and exploration of alternatives when giving birth - Hypno birthing, Rebozo...

  • eating well in pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding - led by a nutritional therapist

  • how can acupuncture help during pregnancy, in preparation for labour, led by an experienced acupuncturist

  • 'save your baby's life' - first aid for babies and young children

  • 'The fourth trimester' - the ups and down of being a new parent; the importance of well being - led by trained psychologist specialising in parenting

  • looking after your body with the Alexander technique - led by Alexander technique instructor

  • successful breast feeding; why breast is best - led by physician assistant based at London hospital